Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Customers: The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Having been in sales for all of my working life, I can truly say that I have dealt with just about every type of customer.

The polite one, who asks you if you'd like a cup of coffee while you wait, the rude one who keeps you waiting with no apology for an hour, the ugly one, who says nasty things like "if you have the cheapest price I might consider your company" .

It has made me immune to some of the less pleasant encounters, taught me how to deal with "certain" types, and always, most importantly helped me to be me, and not change who I am or react negatively to a negative situation.

Fortunately I am selling plants and plant service, which in of itself is a product and service that is considered good, healthy, aesthetic and for the most part, important. If I am lucky enough to get a property or office manager who likes plants, even better! Common ground!

Artscape has some of the best customers I could wish for. I often think it's because we were attracted to each other -the law of attraction indicates that thoughts influence reality. My book keeper Julie always says to me "whenever you say you are going to get that customer or account, sure enough you do! Perhaps I am just lucky (do you believe in luck?) or I know how to "hull out the seeds from the fruit".

The customer is always right. I'm sure we have all heard that over and over and over. At first, I thought "what the heck? that is not true!" But over time I have realized, it IS true.
Because if a customer perceives something to be true, it is true to them. Therefore we must address it as truth. MUCH easier to solve a problem when you approach it from that angle.

That said, there are some plants in the back of the warehouse I'm going to go visit- good ones, bad ones, and ugly ones.

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